Format: TV Series
Genre: Family (Ages 7 - 11)
Title: Kid's Zombie Adventures
Strap Line: When we work together, we can do great things!
Episode 1: 25:48 min
Episode 2 : 34:02 min
Produced by: Darryl Woodberry
Written by: Darryl Woodberry, Tahara Woodberry
Directed by: Piper Woodberry
Cast: Jameson Smith, Melissa Rugierri, L. Owen, Michael Ables
Short Synopsis: A group of kids must survive their camp after it’s invaded by zombies, but a series of obstacles makes the journey away from the undead a disaster.
​Part 1 in Darryl Woodberry's children's adventure series is based on the eponymous book by Berry Wood. Filled with tales of heroism, friendship, adventures, and thrills, Kid's Zombie Adventures: Escape From Camp Miccano will certainly capture the hearts and minds of young ones.
"Kid’s Zombie Adventures is fun for the whole family." ~ Bobby LePire, Film Threat
Poster (downloadable)
Trailer (downloadable)​
Screener (by request)